The Place of the Way of the Protector
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We are pleased to introduce our company, The Keisatsu Dojo, LLC (translation from Japanese: The Police School or more accurately, the Place of the Way of the Protector). It was formed to make the most authentic, dynamic, and realistic training in critical incident, conflict management, and verbal deescalation for first responders available. The focus of the Keisatsu Dojo is to keep a “human face on first responders”. Our signature course, Conflict Management: Technique & Spirit, is a creative and credible, fast paced, multi media, training platform, aimed at improving the tactical, tactful and technical acuity of first responders and public service workers. This course has been specifically designed to meet their unique needs when dealing with the public in both supportive and challenging circumstances.

It is available in three formats, half day, full day and two full day iterations. This comprehensive training represents an amalgamation of ancient eastern martial arts philosophy and contemporary western psychology. Our state of the art pedagogy enlists the “team teaching“ concept. We utilize the combined experience of a veteran police trainer, a licensed psychotherapist along with a cadre of professional actor trainers. This serves to provide a unique environment for course participants to experience, practice, refine and improve their ability to deescalate verbal conflict, engage in active listening strategies and respond to persons in emotional crisis. Additionally it serves to greatly improve their job performance, and personal lives as well. 

Goals Of The Course

The goals of the course are to Improve Safety and Professionalism while Reducing Animosity and Stress. This course represents the best practices in the law enforcement industry and celebrates what has been utilized in a variety of public service concerns for generations. Formerly referred to as training in "people skills", the authors of this program understand this vital skill set needs to be practiced. Extensive research and development has been devoted to this program, coupled with collaboration with subject matter experts with special emphasis on presenting time honored methods of instruction to ENCOURAGE VOLUNTARY COMPLIANCE. This is known as the ability to get people to do what you need them to do, while allowing them to think it was their idea. Additionally a goal of this course is to encourage students to learn how to leave people better than they found them, when they found them at their worst. 
Conflict Resolution Class — Police Officer in Uniform in Manhattan, NY

Types of Courses 

This training is available in three formats, half day, full day, two full day iterations. 
  • Half Day: A lecture based presentation by James T. Shanahan  
  • Full Day: Expanded presentation with Kathleen M Garrity, LCSW and Actor Trainers 
  • Extended customized productions

We Offer Training in the Wide Range of Conflict Management for:

  • First Responders
  • Police Departments 
  • Campus Police
  • EMS & Firefighters 
  • Public Safety Departments
  • Uniform Personnel  
  • Hospitality & Reception 
  • Corporate & Private Entities 
  • Public Service Workers
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